The Pleasure Principle Read online

Page 3

  “May I suggest a seat at the bar?” Julian’s voice broke through her reflection and she looked up at him with questioning eyes. “The evening is still young. Perhaps you’d like a drink as you wait?”

  “Would you sit with me, Julian?” Alice fully realized she was in a strange new place and she didn’t know a soul. No matter how brave she intended to be earlier, her resolve fled at the thought of being alone.

  “I must welcome our other guests, Ms. Dahl.” He guided her to the bar and helped her into a cushioned chair. “However, I will check in with you later if you’d like me to.”

  “I would like that, please.” He pulled his hand from her grip and walked around to the back of the bar. She watched as he poured a deep red wine into a crystal glass. His every movement was smooth and practiced. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. Expecting him to walk away, Alice was surprised when he came back and put the glass of wine in front of her.

  “You will be fine tonight, cher. I will make certain of it.” Before she could thank him, he tipped her chin with the fingers of his right hand. Julian lowered his face over hers, never taking his eyes off her as he covered her mouth with a strong, dominating kiss. Alice instinctively closed her eyes and before her mind could react, her body took over and pressed against him. She felt a low growl, deep in his throat and he pulled away abruptly. When she opened her eyes he was gone. Thankfully, the wine was still there, and she took a long draught of it.

  What was happening to her? She’d just reacted to a very intimate moment like it was the most natural thing in the world. This wasn’t like her at all. None of this was, but it had felt right. Suddenly she realized the world had a lot more to offer. Even her naive ambitions, which she’d thought were so daring before, seemed so limited after her first experience out.

  * * *

  Julian Brax had seen a lot of people come and go during his time at Damsels, but Alicia Dahl was different than anyone he’d ever encountered in his life. God, he could taste it on her lips—the timid innocence, the passion buried so far down in her soul she probably didn’t even know it was there. He wanted more than anything in the world to go back to the bar, wrap his arms around her, and take her as far away from this place as he could. The Dom inside him was wild to have her, protect her, make her his.

  What was she doing here? She wasn’t ready for the lifestyle the patrons of Damsels participated in. He knew it just like he knew what else she needed with every fiber in his being. And he could give it to her. In fact, he suspected he’d be willing to devote himself to her exclusively. It was a bold revelation, one that surprised him, as he’d never felt that way about any one single woman before.

  He had to get back to his duties. He took his work at Damsels seriously, but found he wasn’t able to focus. Julian needed to get away from the crowd and their ever-growing chatter as more members began to fill the great room.

  He slipped into one of the nearby private chambers and closed the door securely. He could still feel her lips pressed against his mouth. The way they’d slightly parted with surprise in reaction to his kiss drove him to the edge of his restraints. He was hard and throbbing against the tight slacks of his dark suit. He couldn’t return to the group in such a condition. In fact, he wasn’t sure if he could walk. He flipped the lock on the wooden door and leaned against it.

  Drawing a breath, he released his swollen cock from the confines of his pants. His erection was rock hard in his hand, and all he could envision was Alicia’s sweet mouth as he began to stroke himself. Julian thought about what it would be like to run his fingers between her thighs, slipping them behind her silk panties to see if she was ready for him.

  It was best to wait with someone like her. He’d get on his knees first and spread her legs to taste her sweet cleft. He wanted to pleasure her, bring her to the brink of orgasm over and over again until she trembled all over. He would teach her the depths of her passion until she screamed his name on the edge of insanity.

  Only then would he give her what she needed. He would bury himself deep inside her and fill her with his essence as they came together in a moment that would bond them forever.

  Julian slumped against the door, his release completely taking over his body as he recovered from the intense orgasm. He wanted more. He needed more. But there was work to be done and his cell phone vibrated in his jacket pocket to remind him. He pulled it out to read the screen in the dim room. Damn, it was Anderson. He’d better get down to the main room and see what his friend wanted right away.

  * * *

  Anderson Cain saw the gorgeous blonde the moment she came in. His secluded alcove offered him all the privacy he needed in a place like Damsels. He wrote her off immediately as out of his league. He knew from his interactions with many different women the past year that someone as lovely as the creature at the bar expected certain things from a man, and he accepted that. He was there to learn these things and until he did, he really had nothing to offer such a goddess, newly descended from Olympus.

  This was not something he’d normally regret, but he found himself unable to take his eyes off her. And leave it to Julian Brax to find her first, of course. They’d been best friends since college and if it hadn’t been for him, Anderson never would have found the test subjects he needed for his study. Although it bothered him to admit it, he felt a spike of jealousy when his friend reached down and took the vixen’s kiss at the bar. Brax had always been the dominating one in the friendship, something that allowed him to fit in at a place like this.

  Still, it couldn’t hurt to learn a little more about her, could it? He reached for his phone and sent Brax a quick text. He found it a little odd he hadn’t seen him since he escorted the woman in the blue dress to the bar earlier. He watched her from his position as she was approached by a line of men, young and old, all vying for her attention. He wished he could be one of them…one of the few daring enough to be shot down by such a beauty.

  He was so enthralled with the scene across the room that he didn’t notice Brax approach. His friend parted the curtain swiftly and thumped a bottle of scotch on the table without ceremony. At least there were two glasses.

  “Drinking on the job?” The jab felt a little snippy to Anderson, but he couldn’t help himself. He was still jealous of the moment his friend captured with the mystery woman.

  “Yeah, I need it, too.” It was apparent as he poured a double shot in both their glasses. “So, I’m guessing you saw her?”

  “Did anybody not see her?” Anderson gestured in the woman’s direction, and while he expected her to be beaming from all the attention, she actually appeared to be uncomfortable. “Is she a sub?”

  “She’s not anything.” Brax’s sharp reply caught him off guard. “She’s not your type, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “What is she doing here, then?” It was a new feeling for Anderson. He was intrigued by the newcomer, and while all his other subjects had been good-looking, this was the first one he found himself attracted to.

  “Hell if I know, but she can’t handle this kind of attention. She’s a newbie, so damn innocent it hurts me. I know it doesn’t look it, but she’s as pure as the driven snow, and I’m not sure she’s safe in here.” Brax twirled his glass with the amber liquor inside, a brooding look on his face.

  “It’s the Dominant in you that thinks so, you know that. It’s in your blood to feel the need to protect her. Just remember, she’s here for a reason, whatever that may be.” Anderson could feel his friend’s intensity in their close quarters. For once he understood what it was like because he felt the same. There was something about her that seemed overwhelmingly familiar. Was that what Brax thought as well?

  “I think I should go break up their little party.” Brax gripped his scotch glass until his fingers were white.

  “You can’t, it’s against the rules. And you know that better than anyone else.”

  Anderson couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His friend appeared almost feral in
nature and the effect stirred something inside himself that he’d never experienced before. Was he feeling protective of his friend, or the woman at the bar? It was rare for emotions to surface past his clinical nature.

  Anderson watched as Brax stood and released his drink, but before his friend could exit the alcove, a new scene unfolded at the bar. The bartended nodded to the woman in blue and then pointed in their direction. She visibly thanked him and then stood. The sea of men around her parted and she walked away. It only took a moment for both men to realize she was headed right for them.


  Just breathe.

  Oh God, this was the hardest thing she’d ever had to do in her life. Walk across a room full of people with every single one of them looking at her. Please don’t stumble or shake in front of them. Just take it slow. Once she got to the private alcove she’d be safe. The bartender told her Dr. Cain was there, and everything she’d ever wanted was about to come true if she could keep from falling on her face.

  Alice was so focused on her destination she didn’t notice the raven-haired beauty that approached her from the side. If the woman hadn’t reached out to tap her arm, she probably would have walked right past her. Apparently her social skills still left a lot to be desired.

  “You look lovely tonight, darling.” She smiled with ruby red lips, and when Alice halted, the pale-skinned woman laid an open hand on her upper arm. She was wearing satin gloves, and she trailed her fingers slowly from Alice’s shoulder to her elbow. Her touch was incredibly light and it raised goose bumps on her flesh. She shivered again and to her horror, her nipples became achingly hard.

  “I am Cherise, my darling.” Her voice was as soft as velvet, and she watched Alice’s reactions with half hooded eyes. She was probably the most beautiful woman Alice had ever seen and she had no experience talking with someone like that. An awkward silence followed until the stranger continued.

  “Do you have a moment to spend with me?”

  “I…I have an appointment with Dr. Cain.” She struggled to find her voice, and when she did, her tone was thick with arousal. What had this woman done to her? She didn’t like girls—at least not like that. Did she?

  “I see,” Cherise purred and took a step closer, pressing her lips to Alice’s right ear. “If you find the time, my master would like an audience with you…and so would I.”

  She kissed her gently on the cheek, and Alice felt hot breath on her skin. Cherise walked away, but looked over her shoulder one more time with an inviting smile. What kind of place was this? There was no sense wondering what she’d gotten herself into at that point. Dr. Cain was just ahead and she had to get to him before the mother ship landed and took all these people back to their home planet.

  The curtain was securely drawn, and she couldn’t see a thing inside. Was he truly in there? It wasn’t like she could knock, either. All this indecision was too much. She’d come too far to falter now. A fiery spark lit up deep inside her and she finally committed herself. With two swift strides, she reached the curtain and firmly pulled it open. Dr. Cain sat at a small table but he wasn’t alone. Julian was with him, and they both looked at her with emotion in their eyes. She hadn’t thought her heart could beat any harder before she’d burst in, but seeing Julian again shot right through her like a lightning bolt. Here were the two most handsome men she’d ever seen in her life. One of them she’d loved from afar for over a year. The other she fell in love with the instant he touched his lips to hers and released a shock of passion she didn’t know existed within.

  Suddenly, she forgot what she was doing there. No words were forthcoming and she just stood like a mannequin. She thought she knew what she wanted when she came to the club tonight, but faced with both men now she wasn’t so sure.

  Her mind scrambled for something to say when Julian grabbed his glass and tossed back what appeared to be a double shot with ease. And he looked like he needed more. He stood and approached her, his black hair falling over his stormy brown eyes. He held her gaze and took her hand as he spoke.

  “Were you looking for me, ma cher?” His Cajun accent was unbelievably sexy, that slow Southern drawl wrapping her up with his words. Was she looking for him? She had been looking for him ever since he’d walked away earlier, that was true, but it wasn’t what she’d come there for.

  “I came to speak with Dr. Cain.” She said it out loud like it was a revelation. Julian slowly released her hand, but his fingers lingered as long as possible, caressing her skin as he let her go.

  “Perhaps later.” He turned away, breaking eye contact, but before he did Alice thought he looked disappointed. That surely couldn’t be the case, not over her, anyway.

  “If you’ll excuse us, Julian?” Dr. Cain rose and motioned for her to sit across from him. His eyes were a vivid shade of blue as he watched her movements, and she was struck again by his gorgeous features. Sure, she’d seen him a lot during the past year. This was different, though. The way he looked at her was different. Alice had his full attention and she felt special for the first time in her life.

  “How may I be of service? Because if I can, I’d be happy to.” He laughed when the words came out and his mirth was contagious. She relaxed a small amount and sat back in her chair. “I’m sorry, did that sound like a line? I’ve never said anything like that before.”

  Oh, he was charming! Not overbearing or stuck up in any of the ways she thought he might be. Her heart warmed to his personality and she couldn’t believe how easy it was to be there with him.

  “My name is Alicia Dahl. Brax cleared me to meet with you.” There it was, she’d said it. Now he’d know she was a fraud for sure if she’d misread his notes.

  “Somehow I doubt that, Ms. Dahl.” He was very well spoken and cultured, so she couldn’t tell if he was calling her out with his even statement.

  “What makes you say that?” She could play along. She’d gotten this far, and if it was a matter of word play, well her brain was certainly up for it.

  “Because Julian Brax just left the room and I am more than certain he wasn’t interested in passing you off to anyone.”

  “Oh.” Alice gasped once she realized her mistake. He’d caught her then, fair and square. Her cheeks flushed crimson and her eyes began to water. She told herself it didn’t matter if she failed. She had tried, for once in her life, and there was nothing about this she would regret.

  “And the lady blushes.” Dr. Cain leaned forward. She expected to see anger on his face, but he seemed enthralled as he looked at her. “My God, you are beautiful. You can tell me why you’re here. It doesn’t make a difference to me, I’m just glad you came.”

  Should she tell him who she was? Would he believe her? Perhaps if she released a small amount of truth with her tale he would be convinced.

  “It was Beverly. I overheard her talking…” Oh, she’d better be careful here, keep it together. “…at the salon. It was about you and where you two met. I just wanted to come and see for myself.”

  “Ah, I see. And what did she say about me, if you don’t mind?” His brow was furrowed. She got the idea that what others thought about him mattered to him greatly.

  “Enough that I was intrigued. She was very private about the personal details, though.” That was good. She didn’t want him going back to Beverly about this and giving her position away. She hoped his previous companion was a permanently closed file in his life, literally.

  “I host a research program that’s a bit unconventional. Beverly was a part of it. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in learning more?” He looked eager, like it really meant something whether or not she chose to hear him out. Alice felt important. Her plan was working! She was exhilarated by his response to her presence.

  “I would be interested, Dr. Cain. Thank you for seeing me.” Alice was lightheaded and she wondered if she’d had too much to drink. She was no stranger to the occasional glass of wine, but she’d had more than one at the bar in a very short time.

>   “Oh no, thank you Ms. Dahl. And I’d like for you to call me Anderson, please.” He sighed and smiled at her from across the table. “I apologize, I don’t mean to stare. You are so lovely, Alicia.”

  Oh God, the way he said her name was sexy. She didn’t care what his research program was about all of a sudden. It meant a month of this amazing man’s full attention.

  “I admit you aren’t the type I usually study. Not that I believe you wouldn’t be right for it.” He stopped then and looked down, unsure for a moment, and she felt an overwhelming urge to reach out to him. She knew he didn’t like that, though, so she waited for him to finish. “I hope I’ll be good enough for you, really.”

  What? How could Anderson Cain ever think anything along those lines? Something terrible must have happened to make him doubt himself. In a lot of ways, he might be more emotionally backward than she was and she could see that now. Maybe that was why he was so aloof all the time. If this clinic could help him at all, she’d do anything she could for him.

  She felt it before she heard the sound. The reverberation of a deep gong ringing throughout the building. The feeling was delicious underneath her skin, raising more goose bumps on her flesh. Anderson stood on cue and buttoned the coat of his jacket. Oh, had she done something wrong? Was their meeting over?

  “I assume you’re here for the feast this evening? I’d be honored if you accompanied me.”

  He tilted his head to the side and waited. If they were having dinner, it would be a good idea for her to eat something, especially if all the wine was going to her head. Now all she had to do was stand up in her heels without falling over. Even the short time off her feet caused them to sting a little.

  “I suppose it would be proper for me to offer you my arm,” Anderson said after a contemplative moment, and Alice recalled his argument with Beverly. No touching, he’d told her. Did he never have contact with his other companions? She had no idea where she was going in this place so he’d have to escort her.