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The Pleasure Principle Page 4

  “Oh, before we go, I almost forgot because I rarely attend these things. We’ll need masks.” He turned and stepped back into his private room and brought out two elaborately feathered masquerade headpieces. They were exquisitely wrought, not like the cheap plastic visors sold to the tourists on Bourbon Street. He handed her a peacock mask and she put it on, absurdly wondering how the ribbon looked in her hair. This was going to be one strange dinner.

  They walked together with her arm in the crook of his elbow. Several other members of the club filtered through the great room and into an adjacent corridor. They all wore masks, and Alice was surprised to discover that fact made her much more comfortable in the crowd. She felt anonymous.

  Two heavily gilded doors opened up at the end of the hall, and they entered a huge ballroom. A crystal chandelier hung at the center of the ceiling, all tiled with the faces of angels. It was beautiful and intimidating at the same time. She’d never seen anything so grand in her life outside of the movies. What she didn’t see, however, was a dinner table or any food at all. A sensual, throbbing music filled the air, and as they stopped at the edge of the crowd, Alice found herself slightly swaying to it. It was ethereal and primal at the same time, and she was caught up in the sound.

  All around them couples began to pair off and dance. It was a slow and grinding ritual that she couldn’t tear her eyes away from. Though each dance seemed personal, the couples shared it openly with everyone in the room.

  “Ah, where are my manners?” Anderson turned to face her. “I should offer you a drink. May I get you something?”

  Food would have been great, but since he was offering, another glass of wine didn’t seem like a bad idea at all with the new ambience. Alice wasn’t even sure she was hungry anymore. “I left my glass at the bar. I would really like more of the cabernet, please.”

  He nodded at her, pleased he could be of service. This night was like a dream, unreal. The music swelled and many of the dancers became more animated around her. She found it was safe to watch them behind her mask and did so. A tall, blonde man in front of her pressed himself against his partner’s back. She wore a low cut velvet gown, and as they swayed together he slipped his hand down the front of her dress, fondling her left breast. The woman moaned and arched her back against him.

  Alice blushed but didn’t turn away. Just ahead, the crowd parted and a dancer in a black lace dress spun into the opening. Her partner followed, his body taut and in perfect sync with the woman. She played with him, teased him, until he finally grabbed her firmly and crushed her against his chest. Even from her position, Alice could hear her gasp of pleasure.

  Alice was riveted as the man forced her down to her knees on the dance floor in front of everyone. The dancer ran her hands between his thighs and looked up at him defiantly. He smiled at her, a slow, sensual smirk, and she sprang to her feet. The crowd parted again and revealed a stage at the end of the room. She danced a few steps ahead of him, leading the way to the platform. Her eyes behind the mask promised unimaginable passion, and Alice could see her partner’s erection through his slacks.

  The woman teased him one last time and it was more than he could bear. He snapped and grabbed her roughly, pinning her against the wall. She was helpless as he held her, and he tightly bound her hands with a velvet cord to an iron ring above her head.

  Alice cried out and her hand flew to her mouth. What was she seeing? Where was Anderson? She briefly looked through the crowd, but every person there had their eyes on the couple at the stage. Her breath came unsteadily. She knew she should leave, but she couldn’t turn away from what was happening,

  The bound woman taunted her partner with a sexual invitation, and he answered by spreading her legs inside the long gown and securing them to the wall. She was officially at his mercy. Then, in the middle of the dominant display, he paused and kissed the captured woman tenderly. It was a kiss between soul mates, and she returned it with passion.

  Oh my God, she wanted this! Alice was stunned by the revelation, even as the smallest part inside her was thrilled by the dominating act. She still wasn’t ready for what came next.

  A dozen tiny black buttons lined the front of the dress, and the man on stage ripped it open, unceremoniously exposing the woman’s breasts. Her nipples were large and hard, and even though she was tied up tight, she strained toward her partner. He didn’t stop there, stripping off the remainder of the delicate dress and leaving her totally naked in front of the crowd.

  A hush fell over the room and Alice held her breath. It seemed like an eternity before anything happened again and then it happened so fast.

  “Please,” the exposed woman whispered from the platform.

  “Say it again, louder,” her partner growled, removing his shirt and baring his well-muscled chest.

  “Please, give it to me!” Her voice echoed through the spacious chamber and several people sighed with pleasure. Alice felt a spike of desire between her legs and crossed them tightly in an effort to hold back the mounting pleasure that was taking over.

  “Yes, I have what you need.” With those words, he removed his pants and his large, thick cock jutted out in front of him proudly. It was heavily veined and glistened at the tip, ready for her. He leaned in first and lapped at her nipples, first circling them with his tongue and then biting them until she screamed for more.

  When she started crying to have him inside her, he dropped to his knees and spread her wet slit between his fingers, bringing his mouth to her clit. She begged then, begged for him to enter her, but he played with her more.

  And it was more than Alice could take. Her breath was erratic and it left her lightheaded. She began to slowly edge backward, away from the light of the chandelier and the rapt faces around her. She stepped into the shadows and just as she thought she was safe, she felt bare hands on her back. Was it Dr. Cain?

  She couldn’t make herself turn around. The person behind her gently gathered her hair and draped it over her right shoulder so it fell down her front. The dress she was wearing was low cut in the back, though no one could have seen it with her golden locks covering it up before. Firm fingers ran up her spine, slowly feeling every inch of her skin. Alice’s face flamed; she could feel the heat coming off her cheeks. She felt the man’s fingers inch confidently up the back of her neck and fan out beneath the base of her skull.

  She almost leaned into them. It felt so good to be caressed in such a way. She relaxed a little as the strokes became stronger. In an instant, though, she felt the stranger’s huge hand grab her wrists behind her back and hold her, while he tightened his grip in her hair with the other, pulling roughly.

  She cried out and struggled, but his brutal hold increased. But the stranger didn’t have her all the way yet, and Alice fought back. With a quick jab she lifted her right foot and brought her stiletto heel down behind her. Judging by the curse at her back, she’d made contact and quickly took the opportunity to wrest herself free and stumble down the corridor the way she came. She looked behind her one time to make sure he hadn’t followed, and that’s when she ran face first into Dr. Cain and their drinks.


  Brax was blinded by a white-hot fury.

  During his time at Damsels he’d never once lost control of his passions or interfered with the patrons of the establishment. It was strictly forbidden, and he should know. He’d been the one to make the rules. When Anderson walked away from Alicia at the feast, he knew there was going to be trouble. Dammit, his friend was so naive when it came to women! It was a harsh thought, especially when he knew how hard Anderson was working to overcome the problem.

  That buffoon of a man came at her from behind, and he watched. This wasn’t abnormal behavior for the members of the club in any way, but Brax knew she wouldn’t be ready for it. And at first the stranger’s hands were gentle, unlike Brax, whose fingers balled up tight against his palms in fists at the thought of another man touching her bare skin.

  Then the bastard tri
ed to restrain her, and Brax moved to intervene. Alicia fought back—damn she had strength—and he found himself admiring her more than he thought possible. She got away from her captor and sprinted past the gilded doors, her eyes wide with shock and surprise from everything she’d seen. But she hadn’t seen him standing there, moving to intervene.

  “Bitch,” the spurned patron hissed under his breath and turned to pursue Alicia. Before he could get three feet, Brax had him pinned against the wall with such furious strength, the man couldn’t struggle against him. His desire to protect her pumped primal adrenaline through his veins as his right hand snaked around the neck of his prey. He opened his mouth to issue a warning, but released a bone-chilling growl of dominance in the man’s face instead.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Brax. I didn’t know she belonged to you!” The transgressor choked out the words. Brax forced his fingers to relax and release the man. He had clearly wet himself and slumped against the wall for support.

  “She wasn’t willing, you could see that.” He wasn’t sorry he’d broken the rules for Alicia and he’d make sure this particular member of the club learned manners before he would be permitted back on the premises. Too many newfound Doms were still learning the subtle nuances of the dance, but none of them dared to go against him in his own club.

  Suddenly the crumpled heap in front of him meant nothing. He needed to follow Alicia to verify her safety. He strode down the hall, his head and his heart filled with concern for the woman he was already beginning to care about. He entered the great room, but didn’t find her there. It was empty, save for the bartender who remained at his post for any stragglers not attending the feast.

  Damn, he’d waited too long and she needed him!

  “Did Alicia come through here?” He didn’t mean to be curt with the bartender, but it came out that way. The man frowned as he polished the glasses and gestured toward the front of the building.

  “She left with Anderson just a minute ago. I heard him say the valet was pulling the car around for them.”

  “Thanks,” He nodded in the direction of the bar, his feet already moving. The valet parked the cars in a courtyard accessible from a side entrance to the building. It was where they used to stable the horses back in the day and made a perfect place to discreetly house vehicles. They’d have to unlock the gate to allow the car to pull through before Anderson could leave. He hoped those few minutes would be all he needed to catch Alicia.

  Brax ran out the door, his hurried footsteps echoing off the cobblestones in the open area. Thank God, he was just in time. Anderson was helping her into the passenger seat of his sedan and the gate was still closed.

  “It’s OK, I’ve got this.” He rushed up to his friend, who looked surprised to see him. “I’ll take care of her from here on out.”

  Anderson leaned in through the opening and said something softly to Alicia. Then he closed to door, securing her inside before he turned to face him. Brax was stunned.

  “I said I’ve got this.” Brax frowned and to his amazement, Anderson stood tall and looked him right in the eye. Brax was well-accustomed to being the dominant person in their friendship. He’d never experienced this behavior from Anderson before.

  “She wants to leave. She asked me to take her home, and that’s what I’m going to do.”

  The look on his face was defiant. Brax never would have allowed this treatment from any other male, but this was his best friend. He felt a moment of conflict as he was forced to realize he might have to choose between Anderson and Alicia. He didn’t know if he could do it.

  “Listen, she’s shaken by the experience and she seems to feel safe with me.” Anderson’s voice was different, stronger than usual.

  “Very well, but we have to talk about this.” Giving ground on the matter was painfully difficult for Brax, but he couldn’t imagine how much courage it had taken Anderson to stand up to him. If he crushed it now, it could devastate his friend. He stepped back and watched with barely restrained emotion as Anderson walked around the front of the car and climbed inside the driver’s seat.

  A cold feeling settled in the pit of his stomach when he realized the only way he could see her again was through another person. He just hoped Anderson had the presence of mind to attempt to establish some way of contacting her in the future. Otherwise, he might have lost her forever.

  The thought left him feeling helpless, and that’s the last thing Julian Brax ever was.

  * * *

  Anderson pulled into the driveway of his southern mansion, his mind so preoccupied with thoughts of Alicia he didn’t notice Brax’s black Jaguar parked in the shadows at the edge of the tree line. He could smell her perfume in the car all the way home, and though he had just met her that evening, he felt a bit of emptiness after he’d dropped her off at her apartment.

  He didn’t know what had come over him at the club. He’d never challenged Brax on any decision before. His friend was the strong one, the decisive one. Anderson felt different inside and the emotion he was experiencing conflicted greatly with his logical thought processes. It should be easy to arrange his feelings, it always had been before.

  “Where is she?” The low growl from the shadows startled Anderson, and he dropped his keys on the driveway, where they clattered with nerve jangling sound.

  “I told you, I took her home as she requested.” Good Lord, Anderson hadn’t realized Brax was there, let alone heard his approach. What on earth was wrong with him?

  His friend reached down and picked up the keys, though he didn’t hand them back. The way he twirled them in his hand set Anderson’s nerves on edge.

  “I was pissed when you left with her at first.” Brax frowned and held the keys silent in his fist. “I should have realized her virtue was safer with you than with any other male on this planet.”

  “Are you angry because for once I might have a chance with someone like her, or because she chose me over you?” The words came out of Anderson’s mouth before he realized they were there. He instantly regretted them. Brax stared at him as if he’d just been slapped in the face.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. I don’t know why I’m behaving this way. It’s so unlike me.” He braced himself for his friend’s displeasure and he knew he deserved it.

  “I know why,” Brax said. “It’s her. Alicia. If you could just see that she needs me in so many ways. There are things I can teach her that would drive her beyond her wildest dreams. I feel like I’ve been blind all my life to the true colors of passion before I saw her face. It’s almost like I didn’t know my soul was empty until I kissed her.”

  Oh, God. The way Brax explained it made sense. Anderson’s own mind told him love was illogical, but his heart woke up for the first time in his life tonight. And now it was breaking because he knew they both had feelings for the same woman.

  “You say you have so much to teach her.” He struggled with the words. Unfamiliar emotions pulled him in different directions. “Perhaps you can see how much she has to teach me? I’m beginning to suspect there is a lot more about the nature of emotions than I had understood in the past. I didn’t even care this much when my wife left me, aside from the feelings of failure. This might be what I’ve been searching for!”

  Anderson tried to suppress his onslaught of feelings at the realization, but he couldn’t hold back. His eyes watered and his hands shook. Brax seemed subdued by his outburst and quietly handed him his keys. He even waited awkwardly while Anderson composed himself.

  “She said she’d be interested in completing my program, but I think she’s too good for it. And I’m afraid if she does, I’ll have everything I’ve been looking for. I don’t know what this is with her yet, but I know I want to pursue it.”

  “Let’s make a bargain, Anders.” Brax stepped up and looked him straight in the eye. “Our friendship is important, and we owe it to ourselves to take time in order to figure this out. So, you will have your 30 days to learn from her, so to speak. And if she is
willing, I will also have 30 days to teach her. But let us both agree—neither of us will have sex with her until the term finishes and she makes a choice between the two of us.”

  Anderson was torn by the idea. The proposal of a study period to determine outcome by subject choice was very appealing, but at the same time his heart was terrified he wouldn’t be the one she chose. But this was the very thing he’d been working so hard for all along. He couldn’t see any way more fair to their friendship or the woman they both wanted.

  “I agree, on the condition that we abide by her choice, no matter what it is at the end.” He held out his hand and Brax took it. They both wanted her, both wanted to find out where it could lead, but their friendship came first, and the deal reinforced it.


  Alice spent the morning in bed. Last evening was so unreal, she felt like she’d dreamed it, though she had gone over the details in her mind a thousand times already. She wondered if it would be better to distance herself from the events she’d witnessed at the club, but not because they distressed her. Not all of them, anyway. No matter what she tried to tell herself, a desire embedded deep inside her had awakened the night before, and the power of it took her totally by surprise. Her thoughts were full of primal lust, and every time her mind wandered, she drifted back to the ballroom and the displays of passion exhibited so openly by the guests in attendance.

  She imagined strong hands caressing her exposed skin, her heart racing, but this time it was Julian Brax who touched her as he cradled her from behind against his chest. She could feel him against the small of her back, hard with desire for her, and she ached between her legs with need.